WORSHIPNOW is now a Non-Profit.
Since 2018, WORSHIPNOW has provided hundreds of Catholic parishes across the country with the resources they need to integrate new music into their liturgies. We pioneered the first modern worship hymnal, containing the best worship songs that flow with the life of the Church and engage and inspire people to enter into authentic worship. WORSHIPNOW has also collaborated with Catholic artists to release the entire 3 year liturgical lifecycle of psalms, and has published Mass Settings and other music with the intent to help awaken Catholics in their faith.
Recently, WorshipNOW Publishing has become WORSHIPNOW Inc., and has received not-for-profit 501(c)(3) status. This exciting new chapter in our ministry will allow us to go even further with our mission and enable us to release new music, new hymnals, new accompaniment books, and other online digital content to continue equipping parishes with life-giving music.
Join our mission.
Music has the power to reach people in a way that other things can't. We have personally witnessed countless transformations and peoples lives changed when they come to Mass and experience Spirit-filled music that emanates the love, joy, and peace of Jesus Christ. Please contact us at info@worshipnowpublishing.com to found out more about how you can support our mission or you can make a tax deductable donation below.