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WorshipNOW Hymnal

WorshipNOW Hymnal

Regular price $8.00
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The WORSHIPNOW Hymnal is a powerhouse of 200 prayerful, spirit-filled modern worship songs that will reinvigorate the liturgical music at your parish and inspire all to enter into full and active participation at Mass. The music in our hymnal will breathe life into your liturgy and draw the people of God into true, authentic worship as they encounter Jesus in Word and sacrament. Invest in your congregation's worship experience today!

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+ Bears an Imprimatur 
+ 200 Modern Worship Songs 
+ Scripture-Based Lyrics 
+ Accessible & Relevant Music 
+  Mass of Love and Mercy 

+ Arranged in Alphabetical & Numerical Order 
+ Order of Mass Explained 
+ Topical Index 
+ D
urable softcover 

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